Have help scheduled to come. One of the biggest things that I underestimated as a mommy to be was how helpless I would feel during the newborn phase.
Be willing to go hands free. Sometimes babies just won’t sleep unless they are held during the initial newborn phase. A wrap or sling allows the baby to get snuggled up a bit more comfortably, enhancing the likelihood he will stay asleep.
Create bedtime routines to bring consistency. Babies thrive on routine and predictability. The best pediatricians recommend starting a routine before bedtime and naps with your baby as soon as you get home and feel ready. I would say starting by the 6-8 week mark or earlier is ideal.
Accept any offering of food or help. Sometimes it’s hard to accept help from others. If someone starts cleaning your house or bringing you dinner, it’s okay if you just say YES. To all of it. If there is ever a time in your life to swallow your pride and take the help, the newborn phase is it.
Be a team with your husband. If you need to, feel confident assigning different jobs to you and your husband. If you need to switch off with night feedings or need him to lull the baby to sleep, go ahead and share the work load. As moms, we often feel the need to do it all. It’s okay to let everyone else pitch in too.
Keep meals stockpiled. The idea of freezer meals is kind of beaten to death if you ask me, but they serve a purpose, and they are helpful.
Eat well to keep energy levels up. Life with a newborn is exhausting enough. Getting enough nutrition to sustain you is important to help you feel as good as possible. Drinking lots of water makes a difference too. You may feel incredibly thirsty, especially if you are breastfeeding.
Let go of perfect. Motherhood is especially hard on those moms, who aspire for the perfect schedule and predictable life.
As a mom of 5 I completely understand the task of motherhood especially a new mom just leaving the hospital, as we want to focus on our new little blessing, sometimes it comes with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed with this new way of life. I wanted to help out moms in Wife Tribe with some tips that will be helpful in your new life transition.
At Wife Tribe we believe in breastfeeding below are some tips on how to have breastfeeding success.