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Wife Tribe Guide 5 ways to prepare for your future spouse.

5 ways to prepare for you future spouse


Abstinence is necessary in your preparation in becoming a wife. Do you believe this? If you do not let me tell you why! Living in the modern-days fornication is something many partake in. We are living in the days of sexual liberation, freedom which is recognized and affirmed as a fundamental human right. Many do not seem to understand the magnitude of the act. Our sexual disobedience has produced a world staggering

weight that is dragging us down a path full of diseases, abortions, perversion, child molestation, addictions, and sexual exploitation just to name a few.

In the bible its states in 1st Corinthians 6:18-20 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body’s a temple of the Holy Spirit with in you whom you have from God. If you continue to partake in sin against your body, you will become bound with something called soul ties which will prevent your future spouse from seeing you. Why can’t he see you? You are unknowingly tied up and married to someone else through your sexual sin.

Know that sex is not the intimacy and connection that you truly desire and crave. Know that sex do not equate love. I have a few scriptures that you can read aloud. Hebrews 13:4, 1st Corinthians 10:13, John 14:15. Believe God’s truths and wrap yourself in the full armor of God and take captive of every negative and sinful thought. Know that God created a union between a husband and wife called “ one flesh” He then defined any sexual activity outside of the husband-wife relationship a violation of his gift.


It is important for a single woman to have her finances in order before becoming a wife. Do you believe this? If not let me tell you why! First, she must know how to manage and save money by herself before she can do it for her family. She must understand the value of a dollar to be a part of creating wealth in her marriage.

Being a good steward should be an understatement. In Proverbs14:1 it states a wise woman builds her house. She cares about credit, investing and future financial endeavors that will change her family life. When a woman shows that she is a good steward in her own life her husband will place his trust in her with his life. The heart of her husband trusts her and will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. You must start putting these things in practice before you spouse finds you. When he does, he will know that you are a great value a true gift from God.

Frenemies ( Reevaluate your circle)

Start paying attention to your inner circle. Who are you spending the most time with? What type of influence do they have in your life? This is by far one of the most important things you can do while preparing for your spouse. You must evaluate whether your friends respect, accept and support you while you are in preparation of becoming the woman God called you to be.

Do they try to sabotage your progress by wanting you to be a part of things that are not of God? Do they try to subject their negative ideologies on you, for example “ All men cheat” “ You won’t find a good man because they don’t exist.” “No man is going to wait have sex.” It is important to start developing relationships with people who have the same morals, values, and spiritual maturity to help you through your waiting season. Clear your path of anything that do not represent who God is in your life. It will be lonely at times, but it will be easier for your spouse to recognize you in due season.


Studying, prayer and fasting are a necessity for Christians, to enable them to seek the face of God wholly. When we deny our carnal nature to fulfill the desires of God, what he wills for our lives can be found. We gain wisdom and understanding by spending time in God’s presence as you spend time, He will give you a clear mind. You began to develop a deeper intimacy with God and develop humility before God. When the attitude of your heart is one of truly seeking God, He will respond to your hearts cry.

Our spirit and soul experience joy because of fasting. It can add more spiritual power to breaking of strongholds in your lives. It will equip you in breaking bonds of wickedness stated in Isaiah 58:6 And, as Jesus said in Mark 9:29 sometimes fasting is required to cast out certain kinds of demons. Through deep fervent prayer, we can avail much over demonic strongholds. When we fast, we add a spiritual weapon to our prayers that will break bonds of wickedness. Allow God to heal the areas in your life that need to be healed, allow God to remove the blocks you created by not living according to his will. Allow God to make you brand new, ready, and out of recovery for your future spouse.

Self- Awareness (reflection)

It is time! For you to have a conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. Self-awareness and various techniques we use to cultivate it ought to show us how our fears, insecurities, anger, envy, apathy, self- righteousness, and other struggles keep us from loving God and others with freedom and fullness.

Self-awareness is then, is not the goal; it is a means by which we become aware of our desperate need for Jesus. Self- awareness should shed light on areas of our lives where we are failing to obey God. He has called you to live, abide with Christ in your thoughts. Then your emotions and desires are transformed. A greater self-awareness leads to greater God awareness and a greater God awareness leads to a greater self-awareness. This will open a pathway for you husband to find you ready and willing to be the wife God called you to be.

It may be helpful to map out the dynamics of your personal tendencies and struggles, but God’s word reminds us that a right understanding of ourselves would be centered on understanding who God has created us to be and how He has called us to live and reflect His beauty.

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